DGNM-Jahrestagung 2017
Die Jahrestagung 2017 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurogastroenterologie und Motilität e.V. fand vom 10. - 12. März 2017 in Berlin statt.
Report German Neurogastro Meeting 2017.
Eighty five participants from different disciplines gathered at the Seminaris Hotel in Berlin-Dahlem for the 24th annual meeting of the German Society of Neurogastronenterology and Motility (DGNM) from March 10 to 12, 2017. The meeting started on Friday afternoon with a patient information session entitled "Diagnosis and treatment of IBS" followed by a get together. Saturday morning Johann Ockenga from Bremen gave a plenary lecture on diet and its influence on motility from a pathological point of view taking also practical approaches into account.

In the following, 39 talks on basic science (secretion and nutrition; IBD, inflammation and cell models; microbiome, pancreas, ENS; ENS and mast cells, motility) and clinical science (IBS and nutrition, IBS and diverticular disease) were given by mainly youngsters who reported on their ongoing projects in eight sessions. Besides, Veronica Geng introduced the Manfred-Sauer-Stiftung and their activities on supporting paraplegic people in order to improve neurogenic bowel issues. A highlight was the lecture given by Miriam Goebel-Stengel who had received the DGVS Research Award of the Neurogastroenterology Foundation in 2016.
During the general assembly on Saturday evening, members of the society were updated on the activities of the national and international societies. Beate Niesler gave a progress report on GENIEUR. Then, the whole crowd met for socialising and networking. It was decided to approve up to 10 travel stipends of 500 Euro each to the ESNM NeuroGASTRO 2017 meeting in Cork later this year.
After the Sunday lectures the meeting was concluded by an "Allergan Lunch Symposium" wrapping up the state of the art in IBS treatment and future perspectives. The next meeting will take place in Freising on March 2-4, 2018.
Sieger unseres Titelbild-Wettbewerbs 2017
Paulo Leonardo Pfitzinger aus München.
Paulo Leonardo Pfitzinger aus München ist der diesjährige Gewinner unseres Wettbewerbs "Bestes Titelbild DGNM-Tagung 2017". Das Foto zeigt das seltene Bild eines großen intrapankreatischen Ganglions nach derImmunfluoreszenzfärbung des Chemokinrezeptors CXCR7 (in rot dargestellt) und des Schwann-Zell Markers S100 (in grün dargestellt) sowie der Kernfärbung mit DAPI (in blau dargestellt).